Green Cobbles

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This product is also available in a loose tipped load (minimum 10 tonne)

Green Cobbles are large beautifully rounded marble stones available in a gorgeous range of green tones with prominent rippling bands of white. Smooth to the touch, they suit every type of garden and will add the perfect finishing touch to traditional and contemporary designs.

When wet, the green colour deepens and the white intensifies. This makes them a perfect addition to wet areas such as live ponds, streams and water features.

Our cobbles can create a unique natural border on top of soil with no need for regular cleaning. Green Cobbles are frost resistant and an ideal choice if you are looking for eye-catching beauty with low maintenance.

Green Cobbles: Uses

Green Cobbles are a fantastic way of introducing an organic and decorative element to any patio or garden and they add instant character to flowerbeds, decorative borders and pond edging. They are frost 

As Green Cobbles are completely fish friendly, they are perfect for use in water features and ponds. 

Green Cobbles: Size, Shape & Colour

Our Green Cobbles are a green-grey marble which is contrasted by white veins running through each stone. When wet, the striking Green colouring glistens and shines. 

As withthis unique colouring is why they are so popular. all natural materials, the colour, size and shape of Green Cobbles will vary from stone to stone –but you can expect these Cobbles to be well-rounded with a smooth finish.

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