Love Slate Love Your Garden

Hopefully now, we have seen the worst of the winter weather and as the nights finally start drawing out it’s time to get back into the garden and get it ready for the summer.

Create your perfect garden space that reflects your personality and lifestyle, ideal for entertaining and relaxing, and it doesn’t have to be expensive.

Slates are always a popular choice due to the versatility and beautiful textures. With our fantastic graphite grey slate, you can create a eye catching area for relaxing and entertaining on those sunny days and light nights.

Our natural grey slate comes in sizes 20 or 40m. We would recommend a 20mm for paths as it lays flatter and is easier to walk on. Our Graphite grey slate is a lovely dark colour when wet and a light grey when dry.

We also stock blue, plum and green slate so whatever your landscape design we are sure to have a colour to suit. We stock a range of fantastic feature monoliths and hollolith which are great for making a feature in the garden. As we stock a range of different heights there is sure to be something that will make a wonderful focal point, whatever the size of your garden. If you’re looking for a few pieces for a small feature, we do some fantastic slate standing stones that can be arrange into groups or as an individual feature by themselves.

To make a feature in your garden you could create an area that has some of our lovely slate chippings with the lawn as a natural border. You could then place the monolith or hollolith into the centre of this area which will instantly create a great focal point for your garden.

Slate requires little maintenance and will always look good against a lovely garden furniture set or wooden bench. It becomes a real contrast in the garden. The British rain can bring out the true beauty and rich colours of the slates, which is what also makes ideal to be used with a water feature. Our monoliths and holloliths can be bought drilled with a pump and sump, a really easy way to add some running water to your garden.

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