Every garden and landscape area needs a focal point or a central feature. Monoliths and feature stones are the perfect way to either create this statement or an unusual talking point.
Monolith sizing and colours
We have a variety of slate hololiths and monoliths, ranging from 300mm to 1500mm - they look great in any sized garden.
The hololiths ranging from 450-900mm are a mix of plum and blue-coloured slate, and their central focus is a circle cut-out. These hololiths can also be bought as a water feature, making a unique centrepiece for a garden.
The monolith is a slender slate piece, with a flat base and is available in a variety of sizes from 300mm - 1500mm. Put this striking decorative feature with purple Plum Slate around the base, to create a truly unique garden feature
When you’re choosing the size of your monolith, it’s important to consider the space you have available. Some monoliths are large; up to 1500mm high, meaning they can weigh up to 1.5 tonnes and would require a mechanical lift to move them into place. You’ll need space to get this in place without damaging any nearby garden features.