Slate Feature Stones - X-Large

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Feature Stone (X-Large)

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Every garden and landscape area needs a focal point or a central feature. Feature Stones are the perfect way to either create a statement or an unusual talking point. 

Our beautiful pieces of slate come straight from the quarry. The XL Slate Feature Stones can be huge centerpieces; these rocks weigh about 750-1000kgs (approx a tonne). Some are rough and craggy, others are smooth.

Slate Feature stones are available in beautiful grey tones and feature a stylish gold streak within the stone when dry, but darkens when wet to a striking finish.

Slate Feature Stone Delivery

All sizes are very heavy and would require some form of mechanical lifting to move into place. We would only deliver to the kerbside on a pallet. Take care with this product, as these big pieces weigh up to a tonne. 

Slate Stones For Water Features

Ideally, slate stones will look natural, emerging from the ground rather than being placed on top of the surface. They’re the perfect addition to any garden water feature.

Once you have chosen your stunning feature stone, why not take a look at our ‘Create Water Features’ inspiration page?

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