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Bulk Bag (Un-weighted)

Bulk Bag

40 Maxi Bags (25 Litre) (1000L)

40 Maxi Bags

1000 litres

25 Maxi Bags (25 Litre) (625L)

25 Maxi Bags

625 litres

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SuperSoil is enhanced natural peat-free topsoil, perfectly blended to deliver incredible results in the garden. Made by combining the finest natural loam with 100% vegan approved plant derived organic matter. SuperSoil provides outstanding growing performance and is the ultimate topsoil for your plants, fruit and vegetable.

Our high quality SuperSoil is eco-friendly, organic and sustainable, developed in partnership with a market leading topsoil specialist and a prominent agricultural consultancy.

SuperSoil has been created to provide the perfect balance of nutrients, workability and water retention. It’s easy to use while providing the very best growing results through maximum soil fertility, plant growth, soil structure and carbon storage.

Rich in phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and organic matter, SuperSoil provides the ideal soil composition to support healthy plant growth.

Vegan SuperSoil Benefits:

  • 100% natural
  • 100% organic plant-based matter
  • 100% peat free helping to maintain plants and wildlife habitats that rely on lowland peat bogs
  • Ideal for flower beds, borders, vegetables, fruit and tree/hedge planting
  • Screened to 10mm
  • Available in bulk bags or units of 25 or 40 x 25L handy sized bags
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