Golden Gravel 6-10mm

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Bulk Bag (800kg)

Bulk Bag (800kg)


50 Maxi Bags (1000kg)

50 Maxi Bags


25 Maxi Bags (500kg)

25 Maxi Bags


Single Maxi Bag (20kg)

Single Maxi Bag


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(Price includes Delivery Charge and VAT) *

Samples are available - Order a sample for this product here

This product is also available in a loose tipped load (minimum 10 tonne)

Golden Gravel is a rounded, angular stone aggregate that has a mixture of rich and traditional yellows, creams and browns. These combinations of colours make Golden Gravel a popular choice for gardens and homes as it creates a modern and contemporary look. The compact nature of Golden Gravel makes it a versatile gravel option for a variety of landscaping uses that include pathways, ground cover and water features. 

Gravel Stabiliser Grids - GravelX Prodrive 30

The new DIY solution to quickly installing a gravel driveway, path or patio. For a neater, more attractive appearance with less future upkeep and weeding.

Find Out More: Gravel Stabiliser Grids 

Golden Gravel

Shape: Rounded and Angular stones

Colour: Yellow, cream and brown

Size: 10mm (as a naturally quarried aggregate, Golden Gravel may vary between 6-10mm).

Uses: Pathways, patios, water features, ground cover, driveways.

Golden Gravel Delivery

We can supply and deliver Golden Gravel stone chippings in various different single maxi bag options (20kg, 500kg, 1000kg) and in Bulk Bags (800kg) if required. 

48-hour delivery is included and our next-day delivery service is available with Golden Gravel. 

Fish FriendlyThis product can be used with garden fish ponds

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