Drilled Slate Hollolith 1200mm (4ft)

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Hollolith (30 points)


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(Price includes Delivery Charge and VAT) *

* PLEASE NOTE: Due to the size and weight of this product, it will require mechanical lifting to move it into place. Our delivery is to curbside only and arrangements must be made to move to your required location post delivery.

If you’re looking to add some intrigue to your garden, there’s nothing quite like a striking slate hollolith.

This beautiful Welsh slate hollolith is perfect for creating an interesting focal point for any style of garden or landscape. The 4 foot slate hollolith is available in beautiful grey tones.

1200mm Slate Holloliths are also available in multiple holes - please contact the office for further details.

How are slate holloliths made?

To make the Hollolith 1200mm, we start with slate stone and drill a large borehole through the front, then we cut the base and drill a water hole of 32mm wide from the base to the large borehole. This allows for water to be pumped up through it and run out of the bottom of the hole.

If you want to choose the exact stone for your project please visit our Bespoke Monolith and Hollolith Range on https://decorativeaggregates.com/category/select-your-own

Where can slate holloliths be used?

  • Water features

  • Gardens

  • Planting areas

  • Rockeries

  • Slate Water Features & Waterfalls

  • Gravel Gardens

  • Patios

  • Ponds

  • Garden high points and hills

  • Borders

What is the difference between a Monolith vs Hollolith?

Slate Monoliths are tall, beautiful garden features with flat bases and feature no externally drilled holes. By contrast, Slate Holloliths start out as monoliths before a large borehole is drilled through the centre to create a striking, stylish garden feature.

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